What Works Weight Lost

Look What I Did

Try the LIVESTRONG.COM calorie calculator to start your weight loss journey.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

About.com Article: Low Fat Cooking Tools

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Low Fat Cooking Tools

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm Still Working on It

I fell off for a moment, on trying to 'Lose A Few Pounds'. I was moving to my new home and packed on a few because all the dishes was packed away. This is a very easy and fast way to pack on the fat. I said Yes to every fast food place that I went to and for 2 weeks I ate it like crazy. Then when I got on the scale for the first time is weeks, it was a sad weight gain.

So I took a big breath and passed up Taco Bell as hungry as I was, I took the 5 more minute drive home to make me a quick sandwich and a fruit cup. That wheat bread, turkey breast with america cheese was good and didn't cost me a thing. The fruit cup was ok, because I'm really not that big on them. Lastly, I had a small cup of water. It's something about me and drinking a full 8oz glass a water that I just can't do. But I can drink, 4 kid size cups of water easy. All this was about 14 days ago and I lost 2 pounds.

So i'm still working on losing a few more at a time.

Try the LIVESTRONG.COM calorie calculator to start your weight loss journey.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bouncing Back From Pregnancy

Today we will find out what exercises are not only safe and effective, but will increase your chances of an easy delivery (and no it is not rigorous...it's relaxing and easy to implement).

Why "eating for two" is the biggest pregnancy nutrition myth and exactly how to eat more, without all the fat gain.

How to get your pre-baby body back FAST! While feeling energized and healthy, even with a newborn.

How to combat morning sickness the healthy way! Without medication.

Click Here For All The Answers!

The specific nutrition and exercises to have a super healthy baby, while maintaining your own health and bouncing back from pregnancy better than you started?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Living Large - USA

Living Large - USA

Is the obesity related health crisis in America just a big con? Many overweight people think so and they've formed a political lobby group, NAAFA, to fight back.

Their pin up boy is Prof Paul Campos who argues that doctors who tell people to lose weight to improve their health should be sued for malpractice. Instead of vilifying and discriminating against overweight people, NAAFA is pushing for greater acceptance of all body sizes.

Fat Videos! Both Personal and Humorous

I am a fat Biggest Loser?

Guess what, I'm FAT!

Am I Fat?

Discrimination Against Overweight People

What it really Takes to Lose Weight Today

To lose weight you must eat lower in calories than your body uses. Calories are theamount of energy in the foods you eat. Some foods have more calories than others. For example, foods that are high in fat and sugar are high also in calories. If you eat morecalories than your body uses, the extra calories are stored as body fat.

One pound of fat is about 3,500 calories. To lose 1 pound of fat a week, you have to eat3,500 calories less (ie 500 fewer calories a day), or you have to "burn" an extra 3,500 calories. You can burn calories with exercise or simply being more active. (Talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program. Your physician can help you determine what type of exercise program are appropriate for you.)

The best way to lose weight and stay fit is to eat fewer calories and physical activity. If you cut 250 calories in your diet each day and exercise enough to burn 250 calories, which adds up to 500 calories less a day. If you do this for 7 days, you can lose one pound of fat a week.

Most experts believe you should not try to lose more than 2 pounds per week. To lose more than 2 pounds in a week usually means you are losing water and down muscle mass instead of losing excess fat. If you do this, you will have less energy, and mostlikely gain weight.